4-Port Switch USB Nero

36 € 28-07-2018 Ad_ID: Olq8P7Nb 0 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

4-Port Switch USB Nero

The US424 is a 4-port USB peripheral sharing device that enables 4 computers to share the use of 4 USB devices euro" a keyboard, mouse and up to two peripheral devices. It eliminates the added expense of having a separate USB keyboard, mouse and peripheral device(s) for each computer. The US424 all-in-one design allows for a neat and tidy installation euro" no need to connect 4 separate USB cables to the computer, thus eliminating cable clutter.For extra convenience, it features an external remote port selector that can simplify desktop layout, and select which computer needs to use the USB devices. US424 is the ideal way to share USB peripherals in a multimedia office environment.

Codice EAN: 4710423778771

ACQUISTA SU: http://www.dgmelettronica.com INSERENDO NEL CAMPO RICERCA L'EAN: 4710423778771 O IL CODICE: US424-AT

Per maggiori informazione clicca sul link sottostante.


2-Port Switch USB Nero

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2-Port Switch KVM Nero - Viareggio (Lucca)

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4-Port Switch USB Argento

4-Port Switch USB Argento The US421A is a 4-port USB 2.0 Peripheral Switch that allows up to 4 computers to share the use of a single USB peripheral device (such as a printer, scanner, mass storage dr ...

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2-Port Switch KVM USB 3.0 4K DisplayPort MST Nero

2-Port Switch KVM USB 3.0 4K DisplayPort MST Nero Integrando la tecnologia Multi-Stream Transport (MST) pi? recente, lo switch 4K DisplayPort MST KVMP+ USB 3.0 a 2 porte CS1922M e il primo switch Disp ...

16 Porte Switch KVM Console LCD da 19 Nero

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1-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero

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8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 19 Nero

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 19 Nero The CL5808 Slideaway+ Dual Rail LCD KVM Switch is a control unit that allows access to multiple computers from two PS/2 or USB KVM consoles. An extra console p ...

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero ALTUSEN KL1508A LCD KVM Switch features independently retractable, dual slide 17 or 19 LED-backlit LCD monitor and keyboard with built-in touchpad. The KL1508A ...

1-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero - Viareggio (Lucca)

1-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero The CL6700MW DVI Full HD LCD Console is a single rail KVM console featuring a 17.3 LED-backlit high-definition widescreen with an integrated keyboard and touch ...

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero - Viareggio (Lucca)

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 17 Nero The KL1508Ai Dual Rail LCD KVM Switch is a control unit that allows secure access up to 8 computers from a single KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) console. It ...

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 19 Nero - Viareggio (Lucca)

8-Port Switch KVM Console LCD da 19 Nero The KL1508Ai Dual Rail LCD KVM Switch is a control unit that allows secure access up to 8 computers from a single KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) console. It ...
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