Bass face db1.3 amplificatore mono 2500 watt rms

299 € 08-12-2017 Ad_ID: lGoxLzOr 7 times Basilicata 3389*******

Prezzo:299 €
Comune:Rionero in Vulture (PZ)







Now on V3.0 boasting improved reliability, 0 AWG power terminals and a new badge for 2016!

The success of the DB1.2 digitmonoblock was inspiring, a bigger mono with efficient class D topology was obviously something that we needed in our arsenFor that reason - we proudly introduce to you, the DB1.3! (Tadah!)

The DB1.3 uses the same architecture as its smaller sibling and a similarly oversized power supply for big kicks and extended low tones. But with the DB1.3 you get double the output. Strap a couple of these bad boys side by side and you get a frankly stupendous 5Kw RMS into 2Ohms. This sort of power demands professionquality power, your going to need at least 200A PER AMPLIFIER. So thats 400A!

The DB1.3 is also able to be run at 16v, if you have an advanced power set up, you can make the most of this and enjoy even more power output from your amplifier.

The term "POWER HOUSE" comes to mind.

So to summarise - The DB1.3 is a competition grade mono-block amp for serious bass installs. Its perfect for the SPL12.3 and the SPL15.2. Or over 2 SPL12.2's.

1000W x 1 RMS @ 4 Ohm
1500W x 1 RMS @ 2 Ohm
2500W x 1 RMS @ 1 Ohm
5000W x 1 RMS @ 2 Ohm (Strapped)
Highly Efficient Class D Topology
Load Optimised for Transient Stability at Low Impedance's
THD 96db
Variable Low Pass 40-180hz
Variable Bass Boost 0-12db
Variable Bass Boost Freq 30-80hz
Variable Subsonic 0-50hz
T.D.O.S. Amplifier Protection Circuitry
O.P.S. Oversized Power Supply
200MV - 8V Ready Pre-Amp Input Stage
Ultra Low THD Audiophile Components
Variable Phase 0-180 Degrees
High Density Cast Aluminium Heatsink Body
Thermally Efficient Heatsink Coating
0-50hz Variable Subsonic Filter
Strappable to 2 Ohm (Note:

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