Batterie Alcaline AA 1.5 V Power 4-Blister

4 € 28-07-2018 Ad_ID: Olq6J3Lb 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

Batterie Alcaline AA 1.5 V Power 4-Blister

Long lasting energy for your everyday devices.PRODUCT SPECSThe Energizer brand expertise at an affordable priceThey give lasting power for your basic energy needsEnergizer Alkaline Power have a great resistance to leakage*vs. Carbon Zinc batteriesThis will work in your: Large Torch, MP3 Player, Wireless Gaming Control, Bluetooth Headset, Camera, Torch, Remote, Portable Gaming, Walkie Talkie, GPS, Toy Car, Big Toy, Clock, Baby Monitor, Personal Organiser

Codice EAN: 7638900246599


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