binatorics. Proceedings of the NATO

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Prezzo:59 €

Comune:Napoli (NA)

Libri per lo studio:No

Aigner Martin, Higher combinatorics. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Berlin (West Germany), September 1-10, 1976 (Nato Science Series C:). Ed. D. Reidel Publishing Company in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division 1977. In-8°, legatura cartonata, pp. XIII-256, lingua inglese, nuovo. ISBN 9789027707956


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Proceedings of the Ankara symposium on arid zone, 1953

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Nuclear and particle physics proceedings

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THEO taglia media - Milano (Milano)

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The origin of the humankind Simposio internazionale

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Salinity Problems in the Arid Zones, 1961

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Land policy in the near east

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The problems of the arid zone , 1962

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