Bruce springsteen "tracks" box 4 cd

30 € 03-05-2018 Ad_ID: XmqljeyX 1 times Torino (Torino) +393*******

Disc 1
1-01 Mary Queen Of Arkansas 4:28
1-02 It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City 2:53
1-03 Growin' Up 2:40
1-04 Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street? 2:01
1-05 Bishop Danced 4:23
1-06 Santa Ana 4:38
1-07 Seaside Bar Song 3:34
1-08 Zero And Blind Terry 5:57
1-09 Linda Let Me Be The One 4:26
1-10 Thundercrack 8:28
1-11 Rendezvous 2:51
1-12 Give The Girl A Kiss 3:54
1-13 Iceman 3:20
1-14 Bring On The Night 2:38
1-15 So Young And In Love 3:50
1-16 Hearts Of Stone 4:30
1-17 Don't Look Back 3:02

Disc 2
2-01 Restless Nights 3:45
2-02 A Good Man Is Hard To Find (Pittsburgh) 3:18
2-03 Roulette 3:54
2-04 Dollhouse 3:35
2-05 Where The Bands Are 3:46
2-06 Loose Ends 4:02
2-07 Living On The Edge Of The World 4:20
2-08 Wages Of Sin 4:53
2-09 Take 'Em As They Come 4:30
2-10 Be True 3:42
2-11 Ricky Wants A Man Of Her Own 2:46
2-12 I Wanna Be With You 3:24
2-13 Mary Lou 3:22
2-14 Stolen Car 4:28
2-15 Born In The U.S.A. 3:14
2-16 Johnny Bye-Bye 1:50
2-17 Shut Out The Light 3:55

Disc 3
3-01 Cynthia 4:14
3-02 My Love Will Not Let You Down 4:26
3-03 This Hard Land 4:49
3-04 Frankie 7:25
3-05 TV Movie 2:47
3-06 Stand On It 3:06
3-07 Lion's Den 2:19
3-08 Car Wash 2:07
3-09 Rockaway The Days 4:43
3-10 Brothers Under The Bridges ('83) 5:08
3-11 Man At The Top 3:21
3-12 Pink Cadillac 3:38
3-13 Two For The Road 2:00
3-14 Janey Don't You Lose Heart 3:27
3-15 When You Need Me 2:58
3-16 The Wish 5:17
3-17 The Honeymooners 2:08
3-18 Lucky Man 3:34

Disc 4
4-01 Leavin' Train 4:06
4-02 Seven Angels 3:28
4-03 Gave It A Name 2:49
4-04 Sad Eyes 3:51
4-05 My Lover Man 3:59
4-06 Over The Rise 2:41
4-07 When The Lights Go Out 3:07
4-08 Loose Change 4:21
4-09 Trouble In Paradise 4:41
4-10 Happy 4:57
4-11 Part Man, Part Monkey 4:31
4-12 Goin' Cali 3:01
4-13 Back In Your Arms 4:39
4-14 Brothers Under The Bridge 5:03

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