Case Itek M.tower Gaming Zeero 1*usb3 2*usb2, Audio Front, 12cm red Fa

45 € 14-02-2018 Ad_ID: bDNDp0dG 4 times Orta di Atella (Caserta) +390*******

Case itek m. Tower gaming zeero 1*usb3 2*usb2, audio front, 12cm red fan, no alim. , bk - itgck4


Case Itek M.tower Gaming Cube Eclipse, Usb3, 1x12cm red Fan, Trasp Win

Case itek m. Tower gaming cube eclipse, usb3, 1x12cm red fan, trasp wind, odd/hdd kit, - card reader - no alim. , bkOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787775 €

Case Itek M.tower Gaming the Alien, Usb3, 3x12cm red Fan,trasp Wind, D

Case itek m. Tower gaming the alien, usb3, 3x12cm red fan,trasp wind, docking hot swap hdd/ssd - no alim. BkOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787781 €

Case Itek M.tower Gaming Bi-turbo, Usb3, 2x12cm red Fan, Trasp Wind, D

Case itek m. Tower gaming bi-turbo, usb3, 2x12cm red fan, trasp wind, docking hot swap hdd/ssd - no alim. BkOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787783 €

Case Itek M.tower Gaming Defender, Usb3, 3x12cm red Fan, Trasp Wind, D

Case itek m. Tower gaming defender, usb3, 3x12cm red fan, trasp wind, docking hot swap hdd/ssd - no alim. BkOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787783 €

Case Itek M.tower Gaming Invader R03, 1*usb3, 12cm red Fan, Odd/hdd Ki

Case itek m. Tower gaming invader r03, 1*usb3, 12cm red fan, odd/hdd kit, trasp wind, c. Reader - audio front, no alim. , bkOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787743 €

Case Itek M.tower Gaming Destroyer, Usb3, 3x12cm Green Fan, Odd/hdd Ki

Case itek m. Tower gaming destroyer, usb3, 3x12cm green fan, odd/hdd kit, c. Reader, docking - no alim. , metallo 0. 6mm bkOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787767 €

Case Itek M.tower vic Pure 500w, 2*usb2, Audio Front, fan 12cm, bk - I

Case itek m. Tower vic pure 500w, 2*usb2, audio front, fan 12cm, bk - itpb8816Orta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787748 €

Case Itek M.tower Ocean 500w, 2*usb2 Audio Front- Cable Managment - bk

Case itek m. Tower ocean 500w, 2*usb2 audio front- cable managment - bk (effetto spazzolato) - itoca35Orta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787743 €

Case Itek Mini Itek Ncube 200w, 2*usb2 Audio Front, fan 8cm, 1x5,25 1x

Case itek mini itek ncube 200w, 2*usb2 audio front, fan 8cm, 1x5,25, 1x3,5, bk - itma8989bOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787767 €

Case Cooler Master Mini atx Elite 343 2* Usb2, Audio Front, fan 12cm,

Case cooler master mini atx elite 343 2* usb2, audio front, fan 12cm, 2x5. 25 5x3. 5int. +1est. No alim. , bk - rc-343-kkn1Orta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787747 €

Case Cooler Master Mini atx Elite 342 2* Usb2, Audio Front, fan 12cm,

Case cooler master mini atx elite 342 2* usb2, audio front, fan 12cm, 2x5. 25 5x3,5 no alim. , bk - rc-342-kkn1-gpOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787741 €

Case Itek Mini itx 130w Spirit 2*usb 3.0 Front - Audio - 1*odd Slim +

Case itek mini itx 130w spirit 2*usb 3. 0 front - audio - 1*odd slim + 1*hdd/ssd2,5 - c. Reader - itmis101Orta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787761 €

Case atx per pc cortek genesis tower gaming usb 3

Prezzo:80 € Comune:Salerno (SA) Tipologia:Computer Fissi CASE ATX PER PC CORTEK GENESIS TOWER GAMING USB 3.0 VENTOLE LUMINOSE PANNELLI TRASPARENTI / NO PSU Il Cortek Genesis e' un case ATX 2.0, ha inf ...

Encore Case mid Tower Psu-350w 85+ atx 2-usb2.0 1-usb3.0 bla

Encore case mid tower psu-350w 85+ atx 2-usb2. 0 1-usb3. 0 blaOrta di Atella (Caserta)+390823160787751 €
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