DC Comics ARTFX+ 1/10 Gorilla Grodd 26 cm - Statua PVC

95 € 12-04-2018 Ad_ID: bpr2oA8G 1 times Pasian di Prato (Udine) +390*******

Kotobukiya,s lineup of Super Heroes and Villains based on characters appearing in DC Comics continues with the Gorilla Grodd ARTFX+ Statue.

Even in 1/10th scale, Grodd stands a towering 26 cm/ 10 inches tall.

Display with or without Grodd,s helmet, pauldrons, and cape (loincloth is not removable).

Display along with other Kotobukiya ARTFX+ statues like The Flash.


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Marvel Now! ARTFX+ 1/10 Agent Venom 19 cm - Statua PVC

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Marvel Comics ARTFX+ 1/10 Spider-Man 2099 13 cm - Statua PVC

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Cressi gorilla pro

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DC Comics: Harley Quinn Artfx+ Statue

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