Decoder SAT NHE-SUC2200C

15 € 05-01-2018 Ad_ID: YbY4q15O 1 times Lazio 3286*******

Prezzo:15 €

Comune:Colleferro (RM)


SUC-2200C : U-CAS embedded+2 CI DigitSatellite Receiver

Ucas ( Magic ) decoder with smartcard reader

MPEG-2 Digitand DVB compliant
SCPS/MCPS and C/KU-band
NIT/ManuPID/ Auto channel Scan
14/18V, 0/22KHz tone and DiSEqC 1.2/1.0
RS-232C port for additioninformation service and updating software
OSD/VBI Teletext and Subtitle supported
Favorite channel function
SCPC/MCPC receivable from C/Ku band satellites
User-friendly OSD(on-screen display) menu with full function
Full / Simple EPG for on-screen channel information
Multi-lingufunction when provided by the satellite and program provider
Tot,000 channels programmable
RF Modulator

Input frequency 950 - 2,150 MHz
RF input level -65 - -25dBm
LNB control DiSEqC 1.2 and 1.0
LNB power 14V/18V (Max. 400mA)
LNB tone switch 22kHz +/- 4kHz

Waveform QPSK (SCPC, MCPC capable)
Symbol rate 2-45Mbps
Output data rate Max. 55Mbps

Transport stream MPEG-2 ISO/IEC 13818 Transport stream Specification
Input rate Max. 60 Mbit/s
Video MPEG-2 Main Profile / Main Level
Audio MPEG/MusiCam Layer I & II

LNB tuner IEC 169-24, F-type, Female
RCA jack Stereo Audio L/R, CVBS
RF modulator Stereo Audio L/R, CVBS
RF modulator (2400M only) IEC 169-2, Male/Female, Multi standard (Ch21-69)

Supply voltage SMPS, Free Voltage ( 110-245V AC,50/60 Hz )
Power consumption Max. 30W
Operating temp 0 - 45
Dimensions 300 (W) x 210 (D) x 58(H)
Weight about 2.0Kg


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