Display touch Screen huawei honor pleto di f

50 € 16-12-2017 Ad_ID: Qbp6VevG 2 times Campania 3273*******

Prezzo:50 €
Comune:Casalnuovo di Napoli (NA)
Tipologia:Cellulari e Smartphone

Display LCD + touch Screen e frame tutto originale huawei honor 3c 4g H30-L02 T00 T10 U10 L01M G740
completo di tutto , non dovete scollate nulla basta solo montare la scheda madre e la scocca.

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 8 Vetro Ricambio Blu

Description Before Installation Notes 1. Tips 1: Test before installation When testing, do not remove any protective film or tags. Please pay attention to the problem of static electricity. Before att ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 8 Vetro Ricambio Bianco

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Honor 8. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 8 Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Honor 8. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 8 Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Honor 8. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 7 Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly for Huawei Honor 7 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing t ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 7 Vetro Ricambio Bianco

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly for Huawei Honor 7 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing t ...

Riprazione Vetro, display touch-screen, Huawei P10Lite

Tipologia : Cellulari Marca : Huawei Sistema operativo : Android Hai rotto il display o il vetro del tuo Huawei P10 Lite? Niente paura con Smartphone Experts il risparmio è assicurato. La riparazione ...

Display touch screen Samsung Iphone Asus Huawei

Tipologia : Accessori Marca : Samsung Sistema operativo : Android display touch screen samsung iphone asus huawei top top top top top original display samsung galaxy a5 2017 € 89,00 display iphone 6 b ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P9 Lite Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei P9 Lite. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P9 Lite Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei P9 Lite. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Mate 9 Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Mate 9. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshing ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Maimang 5 Vetro Ricambio Bianco

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Maimang 5. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refresh ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Mate 8 Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Mate 8. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshing ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Mate 9 Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Mate 9. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshing ...
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