DVD WWE - New Year's Revolution

15 € 08-12-2017 Ad_ID: VXM2YBZG 1 times Piemonte 0119*******

Prezzo:15 €
Comune:Chivasso (TO)


[email protected] o 0119114684

In questo DVD sono contenuti diversi incontri di wrestling:

Elimination Chamber Match del World Heavyweigh Championship: Triple H vs. Batista vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit.

Kane vs. Gene Snitsky.

Intercontinenttitle match: Shelton Benajmin vs Maven.

Women's Championship Match: Lita vs. Trish Stratus.

World Tag Team Championship Match: William Reg& Eugene vs. Christian & Tyson Tomko.

Muhammad Hassan vs. Jerry The King Lawler.

EXTRA: Interviste nel backstage.

Wwe new years revolution 2005

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