Junior Mother tongue English teachers

Contatta 01-03-2018 Ad_ID: Grj6e8dG 2 times Toscana 0554*******

Sede di lavoro:Firenze (FI)

Settore:Formazione - Istruzione

Titolo di Studio:Diploma di Maturita'

Partita IVA:06325480488

Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our School in Florence (Firenze).
Candidates should have the following:
- English Mother Tongue
- Good teaching
Il presente annuncio è rivolto ad entrambi i sessi, ai sensi delle leggi 903/77 e 125/91, e a persone di tutte le età e tutte le nazionalità, ai sensi dei decreti legislativi 215/03 e 216/03.


Mother tongue English Teacher

Sede di lavoro:Due Carrare (PD) Settore:Formazione - Istruzione Titolo di Studio:Laurea Partita IVA:04670650284 We are looking for qualified native English Teachers for both our schools in Due Carrare ...

Mother Tongue English Teacher - Alessandria (Alessandria)

I have extensive experience at all levels, currently teaching at University and am available to provide private lessons to suit all needs, focussing on conversation in the school, work and social envi ...

English mother tongue teacher

Sede di lavoro:Firenze (FI) Settore:Formazione - Istruzione, Risorse Umane Orario:Part time Titolo di Studio:Laurea Partita IVA:06325480488 Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our School in Flor ...

English Mother Tongue Teacher - Toscana

Sede di lavoro:Ponsacco (PI) Settore:Formazione - Istruzione Orario:Part time Contratto:Contratto a progetto Titolo di Studio:Diploma di Maturita' Partita IVA:06325480488 Mother tongue English teacher ...

English Mother Tongue Teacher - Firenze (Firenze)

Mummu Academy is looking fo a mother tongue English teacher. Please contact 328 7576854Firenze (Firenze)+393287576854Contatta

English mother tongue teacher - Melfi (Potenza)

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Temporaneo Mother tongue English teacher wanted for a Corporate Client in Melfi. Candidates should have the following - Relevant teaching certificate (C ...

English mother tongue teachers - Ortona (Chieti)

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Progetto Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our Corporate Clients in Ortona. Candidates should have the following - Relevant teaching certificate ...

English Mother Tongue Teacher - Zola Predosa (Bologna)

Tipologia : Altro Cerco Lavoro Mother tongue English teacher wanted for our Corporate Client in Zola Predosa (BO). Candidates should have the following - Relevant teaching certificate (CELTA / TESL / ...

English mother tongue teacher - Pistoia (Pistoia)

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Progetto Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our school in Milan and for our Corporate Clients throughout the Lombardy region. Candidates should h ...

English Mother Tongue Teacher - Bologna (Bologna)

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Progetto Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our school in Milan and for our Corporate Clients throughout the Lombardy region. Candidates should h ...

English mother tongue teachers - Roma (Roma)

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Tempo indeterminato Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our schools in Rome and for our Corporate Clients throughout the Lazio region. Candidates ...

English mother tongue teachers - Milano (Milano)

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Progetto Mother tongue English teachers wanted for our school in Milan and our Corporate Clients thrughout the Lombardia Region. Candidates should have ...

Mother-tongue teachers

Tipologia : Altre offerte di lavoro Contratto : Tempo indeterminato Abrakadabra, the language school for kids inside Agorà is constantly growing. In order to guarantee to the children an excellent edu ...

English mother tongue teachers

Tipologia : Formazione professionale Mother tongue teachers wanted for our Corporate Clients in Perugia and the Umbria Region. Candidates should have the following - Relevant teaching certificate (TES ...
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