Lampada LED S14s Lineare 3.5 W 280 lm 2700 K

21 € 29-07-2018 Ad_ID: Gop2g2KO 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

Lampada LED S14s Lineare 3.5 W 280 lm 2700 K

Energy saving LED Linair Striplight 300mm S14S, 3,5 Watt replace 40 Watt A linear LED lamp is a lamp in a tube shape for the base S14s. Linear lamps are popular in bathroom, kitchen and as a light bar in cabinets. The light they produce is very flattering to skin tones and is equal in light output to the old inefficient incandescent light bulbs.

Codice EAN: 5410288268514


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Ideal lux lampada da parete line ap114 cromo max 114 x 0,07w led / 240

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Lampada led attacco R7S

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