85.000 € 01-03-2018 Ad_ID: G95J0N8G 10 times San Fior (Treviso) +393*******

Marca : Land Rover

Modello : Range Rover

Tipologia : SUV / Fuoristrada / Pickup

Chilometri : 1

Carburante : Benzina

Prima immatricolazione : 1975

We specialize in the restoration of the Range Rover Classic 70's two doors. #xD;
We have more than 20 models of Range Classic ready for a restoration project "tailored" to your needs. #xD;
You can choose the year and the color and the interior that you like the most. #xD;
We will be happy to accommodate you and realize your dream.#xD;
We also have the ability to customize your Range Classic interior with fabric, leather, tartan, velvet or other material of your choice.#xD;
We also perform restorations "conservative" on cars in good condition, completely overhauling the mechanics and the chassis and maintaining the interior and the original color.#xD;
We can show you our book of recent restorations. #xD;
Call us or send us an email to request information. igni we will be happy to answer your question.#xD;
Facebook :  Britishgarage#xD;
Web Site:;
Disponiamo di  RANGE ROVER CLASSIC 2 DOORS DAL 1971 AL 1985#xD;
completamente da restaurare, di ogni colore  della gamma dell'epoca.#xD;


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