LEGO? Marvel Super Heroes? Spider-Man Web Warriors Ultimate Bridge Bat

109 € 03-03-2018 Ad_ID: GxgaZzEX 1 times Pasian di Prato (Udine) +390*******

Role-play battle scenes with the web warriors protecting Aunt May from Green Goblin, who has a flaming pumpkin bomb and a Goblin Glider with stud shooters, along with Kraven the Hunter and Scorpion. Press the bridge,s flag to launch a net to trap the villains, or launch a Super Hero from the side of the bridge and swing into action. Create wall explosion effects in this action-packed set, which also features a trap door, catapult, Spider-Man,s web prison and Kraven the Hunter,s secret lair. Includes 7 minifigures.- Includes 7 minifigures: Spider-Man, Spider-Girl, Scarlet Spider, Green Goblin, Scorpion, Kraven the Hunter and Aunt May.- Features a bridge section, Goblin Glider, taxi and a police ATV.- Bridge features a movable roadway and detachable suspension cables, catapult function to fire the trash can, trap door, Spider-Man,s web prison, Kraven the Hunter,s secret lair with translucent diamond elements, traffic lights to stop the traffic and explode the pillars of the bridge, and movable signposts for the Green Goblin,s Goblin Glider to smash through.- Goblin Glider features movable wings and 2 stud shooters.- Police ATV features attached walkie-talkie and handcuffs elements.- Attach the web rope or web blast to the door of Kraven the Hunter,s secret lair in the base of a pillar, then pull it away to steal the treasure.- Press the bridge,s flag to launch a net to trap the villains.- Open the trapdoor with the side lever and make the villains fall into Spider-Man,s web prison in the base of the pillar.- Swing open the removable roadway section, and attach a web net element to the bridge to stop the taxi falling off.- Attach the villains, hands to the back of the police car and split it in two - or crush it together!- Weapons include Kraven the Hunter,s spear and gun.- Accessory elements include 2 web blasts, 2 web ropes, web net, Green Goblin,s flaming pumpkin bomb, 3 translucent diamond elements, 2 translucent fire elements and Peter Parker,s camera.- Combinewith another bridge set to form a bigger bridge!- This set offers an age-appropriate building experience for ages 8-14.- Also includes a comic book!- Bridge measures over 33cm high, 13cm wide and 44cm deep.- Goblin Glider measures under 2cm high, over 6cm long and 9cm wide.- Taxi measures over 5cm high, 10cm long and 3cm wide.- Police ATV measures over 3cm high, 5cm long and 3cm wide.Ages: 8-14Pieces: 1092


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