Line 6 Tap Tremolo - Lazio

40 € 19-02-2018 Ad_ID: bZYkNlYO 2 times Lazio 3663*******

Prezzo:40 €

Comune:Frosinone (FR)

Vendo, per mancato utilizzo, il Tap tremolo della Line 6. Il pedale è in ottime condizioni. Manca di confezione originale.

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Dettagli prodotto dsito Line 6:

"Model Switch - You get different types of pulverizing tremolo. Flick the switch to reconfigure the virtucircuitry inside Tap Tremolo, then stand back!

Opto - Here's a vintage Opto circuitry-style tremolo sound like you'd find built into mid-60?s American amplifiers.

Bias - This model creates a vintage bias circuitry style tremolo sound you'd find in late 50?s and British amplifiers.

Pan - This model makes your sound pan back and forth between left and right outputs.

Speed - Adjusts the speed of the tremolo pulse from slow to fast.

Depth - At low settings, you'll get a subtle variation of your guitar volume. At high settings, your volume will dip to silence with each pulse.

Peak - A peak follower changes your effect?s speed so it goes faster as you play louder, and slower as you play softer. As a note decays, you'll hear the tremolo speed slow to match the setting of the speed knob.

Shape - Turn the knob toward the left for a smooth sine wave tremolo that gradually varies your volume up and down, or left for a for a hard-chopping square wave that dramatically switches from loud to quiet.

Tap Tempo - Using the innovative ToneCore double-action footswitch, you can tap a couple times and have the pulsations match your tempo. Whether the effect is active or bypassed, you can tap the footswitch lightly to set your tempo. Your first two taps establish the tempo and any additiontaps will be averaged in."


Line 6 Tap Tremolo

Prezzo:40 € Comune:Frosinone (FR) * Spedizione senza costi aggiuntivi o consegna a mano zona Frosinone * Vendo, per mancato utilizzo, il Tap tremolo della Line 6. Il pedale è in ottime condizioni. Man ...

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