Prezzo:249 €
Comune:Taranto (TA)
Tipologia:Computer Fissi
Apple Mac ProThe Mac Pro "Quad Core" 3.0 (Origin, technically is a "build-to-order" configuration of the Mac Pro "Quad Core" 2.66 (Origin, but also is documented as a separate model for reader convenience. Other than processor, these two models are identic
The Mac Pro "Quad Core" 3.0 is powered by two 3.0 GHz ducore InXeon 5160 processors with 4 MB of shared level 2 cache per processor, a 128-bit SSE3 vector engine, and 1.33 GHz "64-bit duindependent frontside buses."
By default, it was configured with 1.0 GB of 667 MHz DDR2 ECC "fully-buffered" FB-DIMM memory (with a heatsink design that is a bit different from generic FB-DIMMs), a 250 GB (7200 RPM) 3 Gb/s SeriATA hard drive, a double-layer 16X "SuperDrive", and a NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT video card with 256 MB of GDDR2 SDRAM, one dulink DVI port and one single-link DVI port.
Expansion includes two extern" "optical" bays (one occupied by default), four intern" "cable-free, direct attach" hard drive bays (three free by default), and four PCIe slots (three free with one graphics card installed). Ports include duGigabit Ethernet, five USB 2.0 ports, two Firewire "400" ports, two Firewire "800" ports, and opticdigitaudio in/out, among others. AirPort Extreme (802.11g/n), Bluetooth 2.0+EDR, and a modem are option
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