Mammals in the seas; volume 2, 1979

45 € 30-04-2018 Ad_ID: bgMKz9lG 1 times Roma (Roma) +393*******

Mammals in the seas; volume 2 1979, pinniped species summaries and report on sirenians
food and agriculture organization of the united nations
editore: food and agriculture organization of the united nations, rome (1979)
hard cover. condizione libro: very good +. being the annex b appendixes vi and vii of the report of the fao advisory committee on marine resouces research working party on marine mammals, with the cooperation of the un environmental programme. fao fisheries series no. 5, vol ii. 152 pages in fine condition. blue cloth cover in good condition, dj in good condition
euro 45

(zoologia 12)


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