Comune:Modena (MO)
Tipologia:Carte e Schede
2 Box: Battletech Trading 60 (ogni box) cards game limited first edition printing + 1 busta limited edition
3 Box : Rage, the Werewolf, the apocalypse 60 (ogni box)trading card game limited edition + 9 buste limited edition
4 Box: Star Quest The regency wars, Premier Edition 53 (ogni box) game card + 9 buste Limited edition
3 Box: Deckmaster Net Runner, starter Double-deck 120 (ogni box) game cards + 32 buste game cards
8 Box: Shaman King, shonen jump's Reincarnazione (mazzi introduttivi per 2 giocatori) Upper deck 30 (ogni box) carte in italiano
1 Box: The Crow, City of angel, The officimovie trading card. 90 card set, 10 crow tattoos, 10 embossed legend of the crow cards, 6 crowmium, 1 ultra-chase card (8 cards tattoo per pack, 36 packs per box) + 33 buste officimovie trading cards + 34 buste master pack
2 Box: XMEN Fleer SkyBox InternationMarvel Trading Card + 20 buste Limited edition
1 Box: DERBY Il gioco di carte del calcio EPTA 90 carte speciali, 2 squadre da 5 giocatori, 1 pallone.
2 Box: Shadowrun Trading card game 70 (ogni box) card + 64 Buste trading card game
1 Box: ONSLAUGHT Marvel Ultra Fleer SkyBox Internationbuste limited edition
4 Box: Overpower Card Game Marvel Mutants Unite 55 (ogni Box) collectible playing cards.
5 Box: Overpower Card game Sworn to protect 55 (ogni Box) collectible playing cards.
2 Box: Overpower Card game Marvel Deadly foes 55 (ogni Box) collectible playing cards.
1 Box: Heresy Limited Edition Kingdom Come 60 (ogni Box) collectible playing cards + 9 Buste Limited Edition
1 Box: Wyvern The game of Dragons, Limited edition.
1 Box: Il re dei pirati, All'arrembaggio. 32 carte,istruzioni e Area di gioco.
4 Box: Il gioco di Nathan Never: Organizzazione Skotos, 2 Fratellanza ombra, Agenzia Alfa.
3 Box: Dark Eden, Mutant Chronicles 60 (ogni Box) collectible playing cards ita + 9 buste carte ita
7 Marvel Motion cards or 1 virtualvision card.
3 piattaforme Overpower Cardgame Eroi Marvel
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