Mini Quadcopter Oneine E012

33 € 24-01-2018 Ad_ID: VXM5P6KX 1 times Campania 3207*******

Prezzo:33 €

Comune:Castellammare di Stabia (NA)

Descrizione prodotto
L'Elicottero E012 Mini Quadcopter Drone 2.4G 4CH 6 Assi Giro senza testa LED di modo LED Night One Return RC Nano Elicottero RTF


Rc drone mini quadcopter x12s 21813

Rc drone mini quadcopter x12s 21813Spinea (Venezia)+3904199743221 €


Prezzo:135 € Comune:Brindisi (BR) Tipologia:Altro Syma X8 RC Quadcopter FullMOD Nuovi consegna o ritiro a mano. Qualsiasi prova funzionale all'acquisto, Contatto telefonico o sms Se ritirato su Bari b ...

Hubsan H109S

Prezzo:300 € Comune:Genzano di Roma (RM) Black Hubsan H109S ReTime 2.4GHz + 5.8GHz ProfessionDrone RC Quadcopter Numero pezzi: 1 1. 2.4G 4CH mini quadcopter 2. Precise aerodynamic lightweight design 3 ...

5 PIECES Quadcop. Battery 390mAh 3.7V 25C Hubsan X4 H107C H107D WLto

YUNIQUE ITALY You can not miss this product if you are enthusiasts of RC Quadcopter. This rechargeable battery is suitable for Hubsan X4 H107C, H107D rc quadcopter and many other mini quadcopters. Spe ...

4 PIECES Quadcop. Battery 390mAh 3.7V 25C Hubsan X4 H107C H107D WLto

YUNIQUE ITALY You can not miss this product if you are enthusiasts of RC Quadcopter. This rechargeable battery is suitable for Hubsan X4 H107C, H107D rc quadcopter and many other mini quadcopters. Spe ...

3 PIECES Quadcop. Battery 390mAh 3.7V 25C Hubsan X4 H107C H107D WLto

Tipologia : Desktop YUNIQUE ITALY You can not miss this product if you are enthusiasts of RC Quadcopter. This rechargeable battery is suitable for Hubsan X4 H107C, H107D rc quadcopter and many other m ...

2 PIECES Quadcop. Battery 390mAh 3.7V 25C Hubsan X4 H107C H107D WLto

Tipologia : Modellismo YUNIQUE ITALY You can not miss this product if you are enthusiasts of RC Quadcopter. This rechargeable battery is suitable for Hubsan X4 H107C, H107D rc quadcopter and many othe ...

1 PIECE Quadcop. Battery 390mAh 3.7V 25C Hubsan X4 H107C H107D WLto

Tipologia : Altro YUNIQUE ITALY You can not miss this product if you are enthusiasts of RC Quadcopter. This rechargeable battery is suitable for Hubsan X4 H107C, H107D rc quadcopter and many other min ...

SYMA X5SW Drone Quadricottero 2.4GHz 4CH Telecamera FPV Giroscopio 6 A

Description About the product 1. Cool and fashionable mini quadcopter 2. Equipped with 6-axis gyro, more stable and accurate to control 3. 2.4GHz frequency supports long distance and high-speed reflec ...

SYMA X5SW Drone Quadricottero 2.4GHz 4CH Telecamera FPV Giroscopio 6 A - Catania (Catania)

Description About the product 1. Cool and fashionable mini quadcopter 2. Equipped with 6-axis gyro, more stable and accurate to control 3. 2.4GHz frequency supports long distance and high-speed reflec ...

Virhuck GB202 Mini Pocket Quadcopter Drone, 2.4 GH

Prezzo:25 € Comune:Castellammare di Stabia (NA) Il GB202 di Virhuck è adatto per principianti adulti e bambini con età superiore ai 8 anni per volare con facilità. Trasmettitore 2.4GHz, forte capacità ...

Mini drone quadcopter

Prezzo:30 € Comune:Corigliano Calabro (CS) Tipologia:Accessori Telefonia Vendo piccolo drone nuovo, con borsa imbottita, ricambi e 3 batterie, colore come da foto, si connette allo smartphone per foto ...

JJRC H26w FPV RC Quadcopter Drone 2.4Ghz 4CH 6-Axi

Prezzo:150 € Comune:Parete (CE) Tipo di sport:Altro Jjrc h26w fpv rc quadcopter drone 2.4ghz 4ch 6-axis rtf con camera mobile siamo venditori professionali, con punto vendita dedicato modellismo, visi ...

HI6038G Drone Mini Spider Gold Himoto 2.4ghz 3D

Prezzo:59 € Comune:Parete (CE) Tipo di sport:Altro HI6038G Drone Mini Spider Gold Himoto 2.4ghz 3DCodici: HI6038G Titolo ENG: QUADCOPTER AIRCRAFT Categoria: AEREOMODELLISMO Il drone "Mini Spider ...
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