NETGEAR 5-Port Fast Ethernet Switch FS605

25 € 02-04-2018 Ad_ID: Olqd4zDb 2 times Milano (Milano) +393*******

Tipologia : Altro

• Links up to 5 or 8 PCs or peripherals to your Ethernet network
• Connects network devices at 10 or 100 Mbps
• Plug-and-play installation delivers ease of use
• Silently runs without a fan
• 5- or 8-port Fast Ethernet switch instantly expands your network
• Link up to 5 or 8 PC or Ethernet devices with a fast, auto-switching Ethernet connection
• Supports Windows® and Macintosh® platforms at speeds of up to 10 or 100 Mbps
over Ethernet cables†
• Every port automatically senses the right speed and full/half duplex mode
• AutoUplink™ technology adjusts for two major types of connection cables
• Embedded plug-and-play technology—simply turn it on and it works
• Sleek, compact design
Key Applications
• Multiple PCs connecting to the Internet
• Multiple applications running simultaneously—downloads, voice, music, VoIP
• Multiplayer gaming over the home network
• Multimedia/video streaming within the home
• Networked or shared storage/large file sharing


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