Obiettivo Samyang 650-1300mm 650-1300 MC IF f/8-16 x Nikon

308 € 16-10-2017 Ad_ID: GnwRRjkO 2 times Salerno (Salerno) +390*******

Samyang650-1300mm MC IF f/8-16 is a real megazoom. The range of focal lengthswhich it offers is incomparable to any other construction. Anyone, wholooks for an extreme zooming should turns the attention to this model.The attractive price can be an encouragement to all.The construction of the object lens is really scrupulous, made of highclass materials. Each lens was made of optic glass on whichanti-reflection coutings ensuring hight light transmission were put on.The enclosure was made of durable metal and coloured with black andwhite, which provides attractive looks. Important here is the T2universal mount which allows mounting it to all reflex type camerasafter using an appriopriate T2 adapter. In the set together with theobject lens we can find a practical case to transport and maintain ourcamera and T2 adapter to the chosen system. What is more, one can buydedicated coverter x2 thanks to which our camera will acquire the focallength of 1300-2600mm. Worth mentioning is the fact that while usingobject lenses with APS-C cameras the focal length should be additionalymultiplicated by 1,5x so it will be 975-1950mm and after the use of theconverter 1950-3900mm using tings werit wil be 1500mm.Manufacturer...Samyang OpticsModel500 mm f/8 Preset IF MCLens styleTeleFocal length500 mmMaximum aperturef/8Angle of view5 Minimum focusing distance10 mMinimum aperturef/32Number of diaphragm blades8Auto focus typeMFLens Construction4 Element in 4 GroupsFilter diameter67 mmMacroNoAvailable mountsT2Dimensions70 x 298 mmWeight~640 g


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