Obiettivo Samyang 85mm T1.5 AS IF UMC VDSLR x Fotocamere Videocamere N

297 € 16-10-2017 Ad_ID: G5yDDJgG 1 times Salerno (Salerno) +390*******

Samyang 85mm T1.5 AS IF UMC VDSLR LensThe Samyang 85mm T1.5 is a manual focusprime lens, this VDSLR (Video DSLR) version has been developed primarilyfor professional cine / movie making purposes. The VDSLR versionfeature follow focus gearing and decoupled aperture, which allow theuser to smoothly and quietly change focus and aperture / depth of fieldwhist filming, and link to professional follow focus cam systems.TheSamyang 85mm T1.5 is a manual focus prime lens, designed to giveexceptional results at wide apertures. At T1.5 great images can beobtained, which is perfect for portraiture and low light shooting,particularly when mounted on a full frame DSLRs.The SamyangVDSLR Cine lenses are rated in T-Stops rather than F-stops which is thestandard for professional movie camera lenses. F-stop number expressesthe speed of the lens on the assumption that lens transmits 100% of theincident light, and therefore is theoretical rather than a real worldmeasurement. The T-number expresses the actual light transmission, andthus is accurate for exposure purposes. It is also worth noting that theSamyang lenses achieve excellent transmissions properties.Thebokeh (the character of the out-of-focus blur) is a primary concern forprofessionals choosing an ultra large aperture lens for shallowdepth-of-field photography. The Samyang 85mm T1.5 lens design offersexcellent bokeh quality of out-of-focus highlights when used near wideopen, perfect for film and cine applications. Independent tests andusers confirm the Samyang,s beautiful bokeh character, surpassing lenses4 times the price.The lens optical construction is the same asthe 85mm f1.4 lens comprising of 9 lenses divided into 7 optical groupswith one aspheric lens element. The Samyang 85mm is designed withinternal focusing (IF) meaning the lens does not increase in size whenfocusing. A further positive aspect to internal focusing is that thelens is much less likely to get dust inside, as opposed to externalfocusing (or zooming) lenses which can suck in dirt during use. The 8bladed aperture design aids a great bokeh character at near wide openapertures.The Samyang 85mm T1.5 IF MC features Multi-coatedlenses which aid the very high level of light transmission, and addedresistance to flare and ghosting. It features a good sized manual focusring and is perfectly adapted to most photographic applications(exclusive of sports or fast moving subjects) where manual focus is notan issue. Accurate for focus critical situations can be achieved throughuse of focusing in live view mode, available to most newer cameramodels. In practice users including professional photographers havefound manual focus of the Samyang 85mm not to be an issue, even shootingat f1.4 with a very shallow depth of field in low light scenarios withstatic and slow moving subjects accurate focus can be achieved givingexcellent results thought the image on full frame cameras.Thereare also increasing numbers of users using DSLRs for filming and HighDefinition (HD) video and manual focus lenses allows the user to alterfocus during filming, and hence why the VDSLR versions were developed.Thefocus ring features toothed rings compatible with professional gearedfollow focus systems available in the film industry and likewise atoothed, decoupled (de-clicked) aperture ring. Such modifications allowfor smooth and precise control over focus and aperture during videorecording / filming. This allows for ultimate manual control of focusand exposure when filming from one scene to another with different lightsource intensities, such as changing exposure values (EVs) from insideto outside, or even in-camera fade ins etc.The Samyang VDSLRversions can be used in still photography as well as for video purposes.There are increasing numbers of users using DSLRs for filming and HighDefinition (HD) video and manual lenses allows the user to change focus(focus pulling) and aperture during filming.The Samyang 85mm T1.5 lens should be a serious consideration toall professional or amateur photographers requiring a fast prime lens,regardless of budget. When the low cost of the lens is considered itshould not be overlooked for amateur use, or as a primary or secondarylens for professionals wanting a dedicated, high performing T1.5portrait lens.Available fittings: TBC. Filter size 72mmSpecificationManufacturerSamyang OpticsModel85mm T1.5 AS IF UMC VDSLRLens typeShort telephoto prime lensFocal length85mmMaximum apertureT1.5Min aperturef/22Angle of view28.5 deg (18.9 deg for APS-C/DX)Min focusing distance1mNo. of diaphragm blades8Focus typeMF (Manual Focus only)Lens construction9 elements / 7 groups / 1 aspherical lensDimensions78mm x 72.2mmWeight~ 513Filter Size:72mmAvailable mountsNikon


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