PETER GABRIEL - Secret World Tour - Ticket/LP/MC/ 2 Book

250 € 13-07-2018 Ad_ID: GwvqReEX 2 times Roma (Roma) +393*******

Biglietto originale + Album + 2 Laser Disc + Musicassetta +
Tour Programme + Art From US Catalogue +
Foto Concerto -

- Ticket Originale del 18 Maggio 1993 -
- Album US 2xLP , 1992 PG 7D 0777 7- 86457 1G -
- Laser Disc : SECRET WORLD LIVE (Made in Japan 1994)-
- Laser Disc : US - ALL ABOUT US - PLMPA 00911 -
Pioneer 1993 - Made in England -
- Musicassetta MC Us (sealed) -
- Alcune Foto del concerto -

- The Secret World Tour - Official 1993 UK 44-page 9" x 8" tour programme with lots of picture illustrations and picture card cover,
Year of Release: 1993 -

- Art From Us catalogue
Eleven artists were invited to create an image in a box, in response to the eleven tracks which Peter Gabriel had written for his US album.
A 32page catalogue was published by Real World to accompany exhibitions of these created works that took place around the time of the release of US. We have recently discovered some of these catalogues hidden away at Real World and are making them available to purchase for a nominal price whilst stocks last.
The catalogue is 275mm x 210mm.
Contains 11 full colour, full page plates of each of the created works
Also contains a page dedicated to each artist with their photo (in black and white) and biography
Introduction from Peter Gabriel -
Art from US created by Yayoi Kusama, David Mach, Finbar Kelly, Zadok Ben-David, Ian Hughes, Mickaël Bethe-Sélassié, Andy Goldsworthy, Zush, Jordan Baseman, Bili Bidjocka, Rebecca Horn.

Parole chiave: Roma, Lazio, Altro, Libri, Film e Musica

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