Pixel TD-382 Flash Battery Pack x Nikon SB-900 SB-910

57 € 17-10-2017 Ad_ID: GrjEK9VG 1 times Salerno (Salerno) +390*******

Product Function1. TD-382 is a power pack for Nikon flashgun 2.Using two groups of symmetrical charge system, its more stabile charging voltage and faster recycles time.3.Flexible and convenience to use choose charging with one or two group freely.4.Stand-by power consumption is more save and recycle power compare with similar product.5.The flashgun power pack has built-in thermal protection switch, when the frequent use lead to thermal. Protection of power pack, it stops working. However, the battery pack will continue work after cooling.

Specifications (No any notify if any change of specification or design.)
Applicable To:
Compatible flash:
Fastest recycle time (sec):
1/1 flash charging times:
Measurement (L X W X H):
170 X 72.5 X 25 MM
Weight (Not included battery):
approx. 200g
Testing condition

Flash is using 4X Duracell, power pack is using 8X GP 2400mAh batteries.
Flash condition:
1/1 full fire per every 30sec. If no response within 30sec, its mean out of power.
20 C

Included items
flashgun power pack:
Protection bag:
Camera connecting screw:
Instruction manual:


Carton size
Packing QTY
489 51523 01534


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