Quantuum Fomex CR-16 16cm riflettore wide x flash da studio Cricket

22 € 16-10-2017 Ad_ID: G7QzVj4b 0 times Salerno (Salerno) +390*******

Fomex Wide Reflector for Cricket 200/300/400 Strobe 16cm/7" CR16


* a wide angle reflector commonly used forumbrella
*When using the accessory,light is widely spread withwide beam angle of illumination
* Compatible Product : Cricket 200, 300, 400 Strobe


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Fomex Cricket 400 is a light and compact 400Ws studio flash. Its main features include modern design, ease of use and high quality components. Its small size and relatively small weight (1.4 kg) make ...

Quantuum Fomex Flash da studio Cricket Compact 200Ws

Fomex Cricket 200 is a light and compact 200Ws studio flash. Its main features include modern design, easy of use and high quality components. Its small size and relatively small weight (1.4 kg) make ...

Quantuum Fomex Flash da studio Cricket Compact 300Ws

Fomex Cricket 300 is a light and compact 300Ws studio flash. Its main features include modern design, ease of use and high quality components. Its small size and relatively small weight (1.4 kg) make ...

Quantuum Fomex CR-13 13cm riflettore x flash da studio Cricket

Fomex Reflector for Cricket 200 300 400 Strobe13cm/6" CR13 40 angle Long Throw Reflector * 40 Angle Long Throw Reflector *Relatively useful when shootinglong distancesubjects * Compatible Product ...

Quantuum Fomex CR-18 18cm riflettore x flash da studio Cricket

Fomex Standard Reflector for Cricket 200/300/400 Strobe 18cm/8" CR18 Features * Compatible Product : Cricket 200, 300, 400 StrobeSalerno (Salerno)+3908933418725 €

Quantuum Fomex DR-43 Riflettore Wide Silver 43cm 17

Quantuum Fomex DR-43 Riflettore Wide Silver 43cm 17"Salerno (Salerno)+3908933418791 €

Quantuum Fomex Griglia nido dape 34cm 13" b Grid HC3140 x rifl

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Quantuum Fomex lampada di ricambio FT10 Flash Tube x D/HD 800 studio f

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Quantuum Fomex Snoot Reflector CSD

Quantuum Fomex Snoot Reflector CSDSalerno (Salerno)+3908933418743 €

Quantuum Fomex Softbox SB30x120(W) Serie Strip Bianco 30x120cm (12"x48

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox OCTA 90cm Bianco (36")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox Bianco 60x180cm (24"x72")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox Bianco 70x70cm (28"x28")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox Bianco 80x120cm (24"x32")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...
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