Rete Interruttore Gigabit + PoE

207 € 28-07-2018 Ad_ID: XKKRgZ4X 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

Rete Interruttore Gigabit + PoE

The Edimax GS-1008P V2 is an Eight PoE+ Port Gigabit switch designed for use in home, small or medium sized network environments. With eight DIP switches, PoE ports can be manually set with on/off control, extending PoE delivery distance up to 200 meters and port-based on/off control for VLAN and QoS is also supported. The switch easily connects and supplies power to PoE-enabled devices such as wireless access points, network cameras and IP phones as well as other Ethernet-enabled devices such as computers, printers or network attached storage (NAS). The compact size and fan-less design make the switch an ideal solution for expanding home and small business networks.

Codice EAN: 4717964701589


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Rete Interruttore Gigabit / 10/100 Mbit 24-Port

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Rete Interruttore 10/100 Mbit - Viareggio (Lucca)

Rete Interruttore 10/100 Mbit The Edimax ES-1008P V2 is an Eight PoE+ Port Fast Ethernet switch designed for use in home, small or medium sized network environments. With eight DIP switches, PoE ports ...
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