Ricambio touch screen lg G2

25 € 10-02-2018 Ad_ID: XArrnE1G 3 times Sicilia 3460*******

Prezzo:25 €

Comune:Catania (CT)

Tipologia:Cellulari e Smartphone

Touch screen per LG G2 D802 colore nero, NUOVO
Trattandosi di vendita tra privati, si vende con formula visto e piaciuto, risulta pertanto esclusa qualsivoglia forma di garanzia.


Huawei G7 L01 ricambio touch-screen +lcd bianco nuovo

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Touch screen Wii U

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ELEPHONE S7 6-64GB BLU-touch screen rotto-RICAMBI

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Vetro Touch Screen nero ricambio iPad + Tasto home

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Touch Screen Schermo Vetro DIGITIZER Ricambio Per

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I Phone 6s plus ricambio lcd touch-screen bianco

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g510 ricambio nuovo touch screen

Prezzo:30 € Comune:Sant'Agata li Battiati (CT) Tipologia:Cellulari e Smartphone Touch screen mediacom g510, pellicola protettiva, cover color arancio e batteria. Il touch screen mai usato, il resto in ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P9 Lite Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei P9 Lite. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P9 Lite Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei P9 Lite. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshin ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Honor 7 Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly for Huawei Honor 7 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing t ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Mate 9 Vetro Ricambio Gold

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD display + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei Mate 9. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshing ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P9 Versione Standard Vetro Ricambio

Description Before Installation Notes Tips 1: Test before installation When testing, do not remove any protective film or tags. Please pay attention to the problem of static electricity. Before attemp ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P9 Versione Standard Vetro Ricambio - Catania (Catania)

Description Before Installation Notes Tips 1: Test before installation When testing, do not remove any protective film or tags. Please pay attention to the problem of static electricity. Before attemp ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei Enjoy 5 | Y6 Pro Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen for Huawei Enjoy 5 / Y6 Pro 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than ever 4. Completely fi ...
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