Scheda di Ingresso 4-Port 3G-SDI

2.370 € 28-07-2018 Ad_ID: XkrLd1qb 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

Scheda di Ingresso 4-Port 3G-SDI

The VM7404 4-Port 3G-SDI Input Board offers an easy way to route any 4 SDI video and audio sources to multiple displays when used in combination with an ATEN Modular Matrix Switch. This input board provides the capability to connect to SDI sources, including 3G-SDI, HD-SDI and SD-SDI, and supports high quality video resolutions up to 1080p @ 60 Hz. The VM7404 also supports separate analog stereo audio signals that can be routed independently. Furthermore, the board is based on a hot-swappable design, allowing the ATEN Modular Matrix Switch to remain on while the board is changed. Ideal for surveillance systems and numerous other broadcast-grade A/V applications, the VM7404 allows you to effectively centralize routing for all your 3G / HD / SD-SDI devices.Package Contents1x VM7404 4-Port 3G-SDI Input Board4x Terminal Block Connectors1x User Instructions

Codice EAN: 4719264643767


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