Schermo LCD Touch Autoradio Cinesi 2 Din Ricambio

50 € 06-01-2018 Ad_ID: NOB2A2pO 4 times Puglia 3203*******

Prezzo:50 €

Comune:Cassano delle Murge (BA)

Vendo Display Lcd, pannello touch per autoradio cinesi 2 din win ce o android

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Go Pro Hero 4 Black + schermo LCD touch+ case subacqueo

Vendo go pro hero 4 con schermo lcd touch e case subacqueo per inutilizzo. Tutto come da foto,praticamente come nuovo. Per informazioni non esitate a contattarmi, preferibilmente tramite mail o WhatsA ...

Iphone 5 white - schermo lcd touch display nuovo

Prezzo:35 € Comune:Santena (TO) Tipologia:Cellulari e Smartphone vendo gruppo completo di schermo e touch screen per iphone 5 bianco, ricambio nuovo con le pellicole protettive intatte. il prodotto è ...

Cronotermostato settimanale/giornaliero digitale schermo LCD Touch Sc

Caratteristiche TecnicheTipologia: Cronotermostato digitale Funzione: TOUCH SCREEN Estate/Inverno con programmazione giornaliera / settimanale / weekend. Ampio display LCD per la visualizzazione dei d ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P10 Vetro Ricambio Nero

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei P10 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen Huawei P10 Vetro Ricambio Bianco

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for Huawei P10 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 3T Vetro Ricambio Frame Kit Montagg

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Display + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly for OnePlus 3T. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshing th ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 5T Vetro Ricambio + Kit Montaggio N

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for OnePlus 5T 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 5 Vetro Ricambio + Frame Kit Montag

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for OnePlus 5 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than e ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 5 Vetro Ricambio + Frame Kit Montag - Catania (Catania)

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for OnePlus 5 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than e ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 5 Vetro Ricambio + Kit Montaggio Ne

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for OnePlus 5 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than e ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 5 Vetro Ricambio + Kit Montaggio Bi

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Screen + touch screen digitizer assembly for OnePlus 5 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one 3. Make your device look more refreshing than e ...

Display LCD + Touch Screen OnePlus 3T Vetro Ricambio + Kit Montaggio N

Description About the product 1. Replacement LCD Display + Touch Screen Digitizer Assembly for OnePlus 3T. 2. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one. 3. Make your device look more refreshing th ...

Schermo LCD 23" di ricambio

Prezzo:20 € Comune:Milano (MI) Schermo LCD da 23" (1920×1080) di ricambio per tutti TV o Monitor (esempio Flatron M237WDP-PZ) Modello LG LM230WF1 533.2(H)×312(V) mm Interfaccia 30 pins LVDS (2 ch ...

Schermo LCD 23" di ricambio - Milano (Milano)

Tipo : Televisori Schermo LCD da 23" (1920Ã--1080) di ricambio per tutti TV o Monitor (esempio Flatron M237WDP-PZ) Modello LG LM230WF1 533.2(H)Ã--312(V) mm Interfaccia 30 pins LVDS (2 ch, 8-bit)M ...
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