Prezzo:1.200 €
Comune:Vercelli (VC)
Vendo mitico sintetizzatore Teisco(kawai)110 f
Buone condizioni.Causa inutilizzo
1200 euro trattabili. NB manca un cursore(HPF non si utilizza praticamente mai,non è una funzione indispensabile
e comunque si può regolare con una semplice penna/biro ed è funzionante-manca solo la parte esterna)
Roberto 3493824940
In the beginning of the 80's Kawai began manufacturing synthesizers under the company name of Teisco.
Their early designs resulted in synths like the S110F above. The Synthesizer 110F is an upgraded S60-F,
with duanalog VCO's and an updated look. It has a small but usable 37 note keyboard.
Classic analog sawtooth, square, and triangle waveforms plus noise are on-board and can
be mixed with externsounds run through the 110F's filters and envelopes.
The oscillators can be de-tuned for duophonic textures or phatter leads and bass sounds.
There's plenty of modulation ability and classic analog effects in the 110F to really
liven up the sound. There's an LFO which can modulate the VCO and VCF and can trigger the EGs.
The VCF resonant low pass filter is great too. There's also a VCA section with
Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release controls and finally there's a Hi-Pass filter.
There is also a portamento effect, a ring modulator, vibrato and sample-and-hold for
those classic analog synth effects and tricks! Lots of pretty blinking lights,
a sleek and straight-forward layout and very nice analog bass, lead and synth
sounds are all a part of the Synthesizer 110F experience.
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