Softbox 40 x 180 Quantuum

40 € 10-12-2017 Ad_ID: 0Ol9B8Yb 1 times Veneto 3401*******

Prezzo:40 €
Comune:Vicenza (VI)

Vendo per inutilizzo, NUOVO mai usato, softbox Quantuum.

- Dimensione 40 x 180 cm.
- Struttura portante composta da 4 stecche in acciaio con superficie interna argentata ad alto potere riflettente
- Diffusore frontale rimovibile e diffusore interno traslucido montabile opzionalmente
- Ruotabile su 360 gradi
- Attacco flash tipo Bowens incluso. Fornito con sacca di trasporto

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Softbox 80 x 120 Quantuum

Prezzo:40 € Comune:Vicenza (VI) Vendo per inutilizzo, NUOVO mai usato, softbox Quantuum. - Dimensione 80 x 120 cm. - Struttura portante composta da 4 stecche in acciaio con superficie interna argentat ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox OCTA120(L) (48") 120cm lightweight feather peso

Fomex lightweight softbox is an ideal way to direct and control the light output of your Light Shaping Tool. It lives up to its name by providing a soft quality of light that sets up and breaks down e ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox OCTA150(L) (60") 150cm lightweight feather peso

Fomex lightweight softbox is an ideal way to direct and control the light output of your Light Shaping Tool. It lives up to its name by providing a soft quality of light that sets up and breaks down e ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox OCTA90(L) (36") 90cm lightweight feather peso l

Fomex lightweight softbox is an ideal way to direct and control the light output of your Light Shaping Tool. It lives up to its name by providing a soft quality of light that sets up and breaks down e ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox SB30x120(L) Serie Strip peso leggero 30x120cm (

Fomex lightweight softbox is an ideal way to direct and control the light output of your Light Shaping Tool. It lives up to its name by providing a soft quality of light that sets up and breaks down e ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox SB30x120(W) Serie Strip Bianco 30x120cm (12"x48

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox OCTA 90cm Bianco (36")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Standard Softbox strip 30x170cm (12"x68")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Standard Softbox strip 30x90cm (12"x36")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Standard Softbox strip 40x120cm (16"x48")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox Bianco 60x180cm (24"x72")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox Bianco 70x70cm (28"x28")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Quantuum Fomex Softbox Bianco 80x120cm (24"x32")

Fomex Softbox is designed to satisfy the needs of professional photographers who are in search of an item that is portable, light-weight, and easy to set up, yet offers excellent lighting effects for ...

Flash da studio Quantuum R+1000w attacco Bowens

Prezzo:230 € Comune:Torino (TO) Causa passaggio ad altri illuminatori vendo il flash Quantuum R+1000watt comprensivo di softbox 90x60cm Scambio a mano in zona Torino Piemonte3465172583230 €
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