Splitter CATV 4 dB / 5-1000 MHz - 2 Outputs

4 € 27-07-2018 Ad_ID: bvEWJ8vO 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

Splitter CATV 4 dB / 5-1000 MHz - 2 Outputs

This is Televe's distributor for frequencies between 5-1000 MHz. Connection is made with F-contact and they are fully welded and HF-tight. The CATV splitter has 2 outputs and a damping of 4 dB.

Codice EAN: 8424450045305

ACQUISTA SU: http://www.dgmelettronica.com INSERENDO NEL CAMPO RICERCA L'EAN: 8424450045305 O IL CODICE: F3144530

Per maggiori informazione clicca sul link sottostante.


Splitter CATV 8 dB / 5-1000 MHz - 4 Outputs

Splitter CATV 8 dB / 5-1000 MHz - 4 Outputs This is Televe's distributor for frequencies between 5-1000 MHz. Connection is made with F-contact and they are fully welded and HF-tight. The CATV splitter ...

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Splitter CATV 2.7 dB / 5-2400 MHz - 1 Output

Splitter CATV 2.7 dB / 5-2400 MHz - 1 Output Triax 1-way tap ideal for SAT-IF and MATV distribution networks. Codice EAN: 5702663421103 ACQUISTA SU: http://www.dgmelettronica.com INSERENDO NEL CAMPO R ...

Splitter CATV 2.3 dB / 5-2400 MHz - 1 Output

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Splitter CATV 2.1 dB / 5-2400 MHz - 1 Output Triax 1-way tap ideal for SAT-IF and MATV distribution networks. Codice EAN: 5702663421165 ACQUISTA SU: http://www.dgmelettronica.com INSERENDO NEL CAMPO R ...

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