Steve Reich: The Four Sections; Music for Mallet ... CD

15 € 12-03-2018 Ad_ID: b14MmVvO 0 times Torino (Torino) +393*******

Album Features
UPC: 075597922028
Artist: Steve Reich, Pamela Wood Ambush, Jay Clayton, Nurit Tilles, Russ Hartenberger, Edmund Niemann, Garry Kvistad, James Preiss, Timothy Ferchen, Thad Wheeler, Bob Percussion Becker
Format: CD
Release Year: 1991
Record Label: Nonesuch (USA)
Genre: Classical, Piece

Playing Time: 43 min.
Contributing Artists: Steve Reich, Pamela Wood Ambush, Jay Clayton, Nurit Tilles, Russ Hartenberger, Edmund Niemann, Garry Kvistad, James Preiss, Timothy Ferchen, Thad Wheeler, Bob Percussion Becker
Distributor: WEA (Distributor)
Recording Mode: Stereo

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