Testata ,cassa Hartke

550 € 03-01-2018 Ad_ID: lbVQ4PmO 8 times Lombardia 3298*******

Prezzo:550 €

Comune:Ospitaletto (BS)

*Testata Hartke 4000 ha

Power: 400 Watts at 4 Ohms

2-band Fixed EQ

2-band full parametric EQ

Shape Circuitry


Pre & Post Effects Loops

Line & Balanced Preamp Outs

Mute Switch & Tuner Output

Dimensions: 2U Space, 13.5" Deep

*Cassa Hartke 4.5 xl
"Expanded-Design" Tuned, Ported Cabinet

Custom Hartke 5" Aluminum-Cone High-Frequency Driver

Four Hartke XL 10" Aluminum-Cone Bass Drivers

Power Handling: 400 Watts @ 8 Ohms

Frequency Response: 30 Hz To 12 kHz

Sensitivity: 99 dB @ 1 W/1 M

Voice Coil: 1.5"

Magnet Weight: 60 Oz.

Parallel 1/4" Inputs

Dimensions: 27"(H) X 24"(W) X 18"(D)

Weight: 99 lb.

*Compressore samson

Compressor/Limiter, Expander/Gate, De-Esser with Peak Limiter

Expander/Gate with Variable Trigger Control and Switchable Fast/Slow Release

Peak Limiter with Independent Threshold Control and Peak LED

Adjustable De-Esser with independent LED Meter for Reducing Sibilance

Advanced Circuit Design Utilizing Low Noise Operation

Amplifiers and High Quality VCA's

Servo Balanced Inputs and Outputs on XLR and 1/4" Connectors

SKD (Smart Knee Detector) Circuit Switches from Soft to Hard Knee Based on the Level of Input SignApplied

AEG (Auto Envelope Generator) Mode Constantly Adjusts the Compressors Attack and Release Times

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