The DIVA collection cd 1a Stampa 1988 Sigillato

12 € 08-07-2018 Ad_ID: bgM72WeG 2 times Milano (Milano) +393*******

The DIVA collection cd
20 Hollywood Ladies Sing
RARO x Collezionisti - NUOVO / ancora cellophanato all'origine
1a STAMPA 1988 - Made in Switzerland
1) Ava Gardner - Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man 2) Betty Grable - My Heart Tells Me
3) Carol Lombard - Then it Isn't Love 4) Lauren Bacall & Bing Crosby - I Don't Know Why 5) Delores del Rio – Ramona 6) Betty Hutton - It's Oh So Quiet
7) Marilyn Monroe - Heat Wave 8) Alice Faye - Goodnight My Love
9) Dorothy Lamour – Paradise 10) Jean Harlow – Reckless 11) Joan Crawford –
I Never Knew Heaven Could Speak 12) Rita Hayworth - Amado Mio
13) Gloria Swanson – Love 14) Sophia Loren - Mambo Bacan 15) Bette Davis -
They're Either Too Young or Too Old
16) Tallulah Bankhead - What Do I Care
17) Mae West - I'm In the Mood for Love 18) Jane Russell - Ain't There Anyone Here for Love 19) Marlene Dietrich - Ich Bin Die Fesche Lola 20) Carmen
Miranda - Chica Chica Bum Chic


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The CHUCK BERRY collection cd 1a Stampa 1987 Sigillato

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