Timpson's england
a look beyond the obvious
autore: john timpson
editore: jarrold printing norwich
prima edizione 1987
264 pagine
isbn: 0711703078
copertina rigida cartonato telato con sovraccopertina dimensioni 25x21x3 cm
ottime condizioni in inglese, dedica interna
john timpson has the knack of finding those little-known, amusing, strange and bizarre stories of people, buildings, places and events. over the years and the thousands of miles he has travelled, hundreds of such stories have been accumulated. within the pages of this book he shares over 450 with you, all written in his distinctive style reflecting his unique sense of humour. the stories are supported with specially commissioned full colour photographs and line illustrations, and for the more adventurous reader there are handy reference maps indicating where a specific oddity may be found. in the author's words it is about".creepy castles and curious churches, stones with a story and roadside surprises, trees full of history and pubs full of spirits, and gibbetts whereby hang a tale or two.
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