Torcia LED 280 lm Nero - Viareggio (Lucca)

54 € 24-07-2018 Ad_ID: G6xNp0gb 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

Torcia LED 280 lm Nero

The new LED LENSER will be a part of the T Series in the future and has been thoroughly revised and new features have been added. The lamp was formerly known under various names in different countries (Hokus Focus / Tac Torch)The robust and splash proof (IPX4) aluminum housing of guarantees a long lifetime-even if used extensively.The new Ergonomic Design Switch allows an even better handling of the lamp, and thanks to the new Dynamic Switch you can control the light modes euro½powereuro and euro½low powereuro easily.The new removable Roll Protection prevents the lamp from rolling off-making the TT even more universally usable than before.

Codice EAN: 4029113990455


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Torcia LED 12 lm Nero

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Torcia LED 20 lm Nero

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Torcia LED 500 lm Nero

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