VHF/UHF LTE Filtro 47-862 MHz

44 € 28-07-2018 Ad_ID: bvEWVJqO 1 times Viareggio (Lucca) +390*******

VHF/UHF LTE Filtro 47-862 MHz

12 VDC / 85mA output on RF input for UFO 150 Automatic switch from 12 VDC to 220 VAC input upon availability 1 x RF F-connector input from UFO 150 (12 VDC / 85 mA) 2 x RF F-connector outputs for 2 x TV sets. Signal insertion loss: 4dB. Quick and easy installation Install instruction already available on UFO 150 box and manual Single packed in compact color retail cardboard box.

Codice EAN: 5702663395312

ACQUISTA SU: http://www.dgmelettronica.com INSERENDO NEL CAMPO RICERCA L'EAN: 5702663395312 O IL CODICE: T339531

Per maggiori informazione clicca sul link sottostante.


VHF/UHF LTE Filtro 47-862 MHz - Viareggio (Lucca)

VHF/UHF LTE Filtro 47-862 MHz IFB 404 - Indoor booster amplifier. Triax IFB booster amplifiers give you the benefit of reliability, long lifetime and quick installation when you need to distribute the ...

VHF/UHF LTE Filtro 5-790 MHz

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DVB-T/T2 LTE Filtro 47 - 694 MHz

DVB-T/T2 LTE Filtro 47 - 694 MHz The filter is with Televes patented Easy-F and housing for mounting on mast or other outdoor options. These quality filters are manufactured in Europe in a fully autom ...

LTE Filtro 5-790 MHz

LTE Filtro 5-790 MHz IFP 102 Alimentazione con filtro LTE. Il Triax IFP 102 sono alimentatori per amplificatori Masthead che forniscono anche una fltro euro?ltima difesa contro interferenze locali LTE ...

Revex W570 Rosmetro Wattmetro swr HF VHF UHF 1296 MHz

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CATV LTE Filtro 10 dB 5- 1250 MHz

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UHF/Blll/Bl/FM Amplificatore 22 dB 470-862 MHz GNS 20 - multiband amplifier. High performance low-noise multi band amplifiers for both analogue and digital signals. The amplifier has four highly selec ...

UHF/Blll/Bl/FM Amplificatore 31 dB 470-862 MHz

UHF/Blll/Bl/FM Amplificatore 31 dB 470-862 MHz High performance low-noise multi band amplifiers for both analogue and digital signals. The amplifier has four highly selective band inputs and one outpu ...

UHF/Blll/Bl/FM Amplificatore 35 dB 470-862 MHz 1 Output

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UHF/Bll/DAB/FM Mast Amplificatore 23 dB 470-862 MHz

UHF/Bll/DAB/FM Mast Amplificatore 23 dB 470-862 MHz F-connectors on all in- and outputs 4-teminal waterproof masthousing RF shielded & CE approved (EN 50083) Codice EAN: 5702663406551 ACQUISTA SU: ...

VHF/UHF Mast Amplificatore 29 dB 470-790 MHz

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